Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Hearty Healthy Lamb Chops

I have realised that I am not that much of a sweet tooth excluding the time little miss red robot visits ofcourse then I am a sweet machine.

Anyway, moving on. So what I really like is hearty healthy food and if it isnt healthy I might consider placing it into the forbidden but dying to have box. 

One of my favourite hearty meals is something I was introduced too when I met my husband. It's a Indian dish and its totally delicious. You can take my word for it. 

I have included some pics showing the steps of how it is prepared so if my writing does not make sense to you please feel free to figure out the pics.

Basically I sautéed (thats the right word I hope) a onion in a tablespoon of oil.

When the onion starts to brown I put 2 tablespoons of curry powder.

After 30 seconds (31 seconds and you've ruined a potentially good dish)  put your chops in the pot. Ive used about 400grms of lamb chops. Cut off most of the fat to save your body from explosion. 

Add about 1 tablespoon of ginger and garlic paste (it's a mixture) as well as a tablespoon garlic paste (this is not a mixture).

Let the chops fry nicely till almost cooked through and throw in like a ton of tomatoes (6 should be enough though).

Add just 1 teaspoon of sugar for a kick or for a sweeter taste. Whatever you need on that day.

You will see after about 30 minutes on medium heat a lovely thick gravy will magically appear in your pot and it's really something special, I think.

Let it cook until that magical gravy is about half the amount and voila (I'm not Italian) you have completed a very successful and yummy dish.

Its delicious and usually is served with Indian flatbread or rice but for the health guru that I hope to become I had it with yummy vegtebles.

Now I have to go hang up some washing so happy cooking. 

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