Thursday, August 15, 2013

G.I. Lean Review

Always being impatient, I looked around for a way to spead up my weight loss.

On the shelf which lit up before my eyes like in the adverts stood this pack of four bottles of pills. 

It was (let me shock you) G.I. Lean and it looked promising. I mean who gives you four bottles of pills for the price of one.

I could not wait to get home and swallow those babies and I was hoping it would melt off those kilos in a snap. 

First I took these detox ones which I'm not sure if it did anything(how do you really know if you are detoxing?). However I took their word for it and believed I was detoxing away.

Next came the 10 days intense weight loss ones. Now doesnt that sound just like a bar one chocolate? The thing is a bar one chocolate would have done the same as these pills. It feels nice having it but does nothing after.

Now I am at the stage of the "morning kickstart" and "feel full night fibre". Now the morning pill does nothing infact it makes me want to eat more. Don't even get me started on the night pill. So you have to swallow this thing with two glasses of water and the pill expands in your stomach making you feel full. Well you know what? Ofcourse you are going to feel full, you just drank two big glasses of water.

Honestly this was a waste of money and time and I would be better off throwing it in the bin but I hate wasting money. It's ironic I know. 

This ofcourse is just my experience and my opinion. You are free to try this and be disappointed all on your own.

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